Neurodiversity Resources

What is neurodiversity? What types of neurodiversity are there? Well, you'll get the answers to these questions and more with these awesome neurodiversity resources.

You've likely come across terms like neurodiversity, neurodiverse, and neurodivergent before.

But maybe you're unsure what they all mean and how to properly use these terms. Or maybe you're not sure why learning about neurodiversity is even important.

Well, you're in luck! That's what this page of neurodiversity resources is all about. You'll discover what neurodiversity is, what's included under the neurodiversity umbrella, and more.

Wondering what is neurodiversity? Want to know what types of neurodivergence there are? Find out here with these great neurodiversity resources.

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What is Neurodiversity?

As defined in this post about neurodiversity terms, neurodiversity refers to the diversity of human brains and the wide variety of individual differences in brain functioning. It's a term that was coined in the late 1990s by Judy Singer.

What is neurodiversity? A definition

It's the idea that we all experience and interact with the world in different ways and that there isn't one "right" or "correct" way to think, learn, and behave. 

Also, it recognizes that different ways of thinking and being are all part of the normal variation found in human brains. Therefore, differences are simply differences - not deficits - when viewed through the lens of neurodiversity.

Neurodiversity recognizes that different ways of thinking and being are all part of the normal variation found in human brains

Differences are simply differences - not deficits - when viewed through the lens of neurodiversity

Neurodiversity Resources

Here are all the neurodiversity related resources you can find on the blog.

Learn About Different Types of Neurodivergences

While there are lots of different labels, neurologies, diagnoses, conditions, identities, etc. that fit into the concept of neurodiversity, I obviously don't write about them all. Here are the ones that I focus on primarily.

Hopefully these neurodiversity resources give you a better understanding of what neurodiversity is and what's all included under the umbrella of neurodiversity.

Wondering what is neurodiversity? Want to know what types of neurodivergence there are? Find out here with these great neurodiversity resources.