Outdoor Play Activities for Kids

A fun collection of outdoor play activities for kids. From water play to chalk activities, there's plenty to keep kids busy.

No matter the season or temperature or weather, it's important to get outside and play. 

Sure, some days when it's -40 C here in the winter, it's not always safe to be outside for any length of time for some outdoor play. But that's why we spend the bulk of our summer days outside to make up for it.

Regardless, you will find a variety of kid-approved outdoor play activities for all seasons of the year. From snow mazes and homemade duct tape sleds to building letters outdoors and playing with water, you're bound to find something your kids will love.

Outdoor play activities for kids with ideas for all seasons

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Outdoor Play Activities for Kids

Below you will find a variety of activities for outdoor play for different seasons of the year. There's water activities and trampoline games for summer, snow activities for winter, and chalk activities for those days in between.

You'll also find some fun crafts and DIY projects that are best enjoyed outdoors. So let's take a peek at those outdoor play activity ideas.

Ready to head outdoors? Then give one of the above outdoor play activities a try. Have fun!

Outdoor play activities for kids with ideas for all seasons